Pt 1
We need to lay a proper foundation so we can understand and receive what we all want - healing. First of all, I want to take this misconception away, that God put sickness, disease or pain upon us, NO, NO, NO God does not have it in heaven. And if He did, why would Jesus come against Him and heal? (For the length of the message I will give the scripture reference, you read it instead of I writing it out Ok!) (Acts 10:38) who anointed Jesus? For what purpose? God is not the oppressor, the devil and his demons are. (Jesus is the will of God in action.) Let's read (John 3:17)
Pt 2
Pt1, ended in (JN 3:17) in the last word of the verse is "saved", the Greek meaning is;- deliverance; healing; health; preservation; make-whole; protector. (God wants us to be born again look in (JN 3:3,7,16). Why? He wants us to have Zoe = Life of God, to have eternal life with Him. Also, God wants to do the six meaning of saved;- He wants to deliver us, He wants us healed, give us healthy and may I also say wealthy, He wants us to be preserved (to keep alive), to be made whole and He wants to protect us. From what? The wiles of satan and his demons, from stealing and to kill and to destroy as (JN10:10a), but glory to God forevermore; Jesus said I come that they(we) may have life (Zoe)and that they(we) may have it more abundantly. (This is the importance of being saved; having eternal life; the life of God!) In Pt 3 will explain why we are attacked with sickness, diseases and viruses and whatever else we're being attacked with.
Pt 3
When we get attacked, in body we accept it by our words we speak more about it than against it, so the symptoms manifest itself upon us. You see we open the doors by sinning. But through REPENTING it closes the door of satan and his cohorts who are wanting these seeds of symptoms to manifest in our lifes, but you not have to recieve it. When we sin in (Rev12:10) says;- the devil is the accuser of the brethren, he accuses us before our God day and night. Why? So he can attack us. "But when we repent and apply the blood upon us and speak against the attack on our body; let's read (Rev 12:11) show us, that we overcome him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb(Jesus) and by the words of their (our) testimony (confession"). "Our words gives us the victory", for you have what you say, so pay attention to what comes out of your mouth and if it is wrong correct it immediately. Never let fear, doubt or disbelief or pride be spoken from you, for it robs you of your faith, and without faith, it's impossible to please God, (Heb 11:6.) Read (Proverbs 18:21), when you speak life, satan stays away, but when you speak death or negative words or lies, you open the door for him to come in. Never lie, always speak the truth; be positive, speak the word of God over yourself, stay in the word, read the word aloud daily, always have a positive confession and never look back at the situations, for all things are subject to change for the better if you desire it. (Your will is involved in it. I will believe and I will receive.) In closing; - remember; Jesus is the great Physician. We all will in one way or the other get bad reports, but whose report are you going to believe, I don't know about you, but I will believe in the report of the Lords word and you should too. Search in the word of God for the promises concerning your situation and hook up with somebody that will pray for you and stand in faith with you, stand firm with it and it will come to pass and the victory will be yours, hallelujah. Glory to God! Amen!!